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And just like that – we’ve hit October, and the end of the year is looming large. While we focus on making sure we get through all our planned work,…

To provide context for the current political landscape around progress to changes in the super system, the Government continues to juggle a busy…

Women in Super is an organisation that represents almost 5000 women nationally. Although our primary purpose is to tackle glaring inequality in the…

After the success of the National Road Show it is time to stay put in one place for a bit and focus on what is coming next. It has been gratifying to…

Four years after being awarded the Fiona Reynolds Global Dialogue Scholarship, Jodie Barns finally headed over to Toronto for the Global Dialogue…

It was fitting that our National Road Show launch in Hobart was held during NAIDOC Week, a week celebrating the history, culture and achievements of…

Our focus has been the long-standing inequality in the superannuation system, acknowledging the labour force issues that compound and flow into the…

There was a real sense of connection and reconnection at Women in Super’s sold out inaugural Helen Hewett Oration, held last week at the State Library…

It’s been quite a month since my last note: We launched our collaborative research with Right Lane Consulting , held our inaugural Helen Hewett…

Less than 48 hours ago the Federal Treasurer delivered the budget. In the lead up Minister for Finance, Women and Public Service, Katy Gallagher told…

The conversation around neurodiversity in the workplace has been gathering momentum over recent years, particularly as a greater number of…

2023 Cate Wood CMSF Scholarship winner, Gabrielle Blair joined the Women in Super team at CMSF23.